Ok, this is a little embarrassing; no posts for a month. In my defense it's been a house-guesty month, what with Mr. Punch's folks staying with us for the month. Not all at once, mind you, but a week here, then two weeks driving through the desert (mad dogs and Englishmen, you know) and then another week here, before going home to their new house in Liverpool to resume unpacking.
I did get around to finally writing to the wee one, the first of hopefully many monthly letters he'll read once he goes off to college. As predicted mine's all soppy, mixed in with a here's what you've been doing so far sort of updatey thing.
So far: he's holding his head up lots, has discovered his hands and tries to stuff both in his mouth at once. He's far more social than he was, not only will he smile if you smile at him, but today my brother Johnny made him cry by giving him the stink eye. It was a play stink eye; his defense was "he did it first, I didn't know it was going to make him cry." His wife is pregnant, so we got even by threatening their baby with the stink eye.
He's really so much fun to play with. He's aware of the camera, but this doens't mean he smiles for it; he's aware of the indicator light, so he'll get very serious and stare at it. You have to suprise him to catch a smile. The best thing is that he gets happy with his whole body: arms and legs kicking, the whole thing.
It really is amazing to watch him waking up more and more to the world. Lucky us.