Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Curses scooped!

Well I guess the Mrs beat me to it :)

Yup the little one is learning traction and forward motion. He really wanted a hair band and by gum a little thing like never having crawled before was not going to stop him.

It's a compelling mix of belly crawling and pulling himself forward by grabbing the carpet and tugging.


I spoke too soon of course. Not only does he roll, but our little bug rocks! Alex is navy-seal crawling around the living room pretty fast right now. I'll bet he'd go faster if he wasn't hampered by his footie pajamas and could get some traction instead of sliding around in the bagginess of them.

Time to tie up all those loose electrical cords and lock the cabinets!

I wonder if he'll amuse himself for longer now?

Friday, March 20, 2009

rolling rolling rolling

I seriously think the bug is going to skip crawling and just roll everywhere until he can walk. He's pretty fast and pretty directed about his pivot, wiggle, roll maneuvers he's got going to get around.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Teething suxxors

As if you didn't know. But seriously, for three years??!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

I can haz teeth?

Or something to that effect. We felt two razor sharp little teeth the other day. Also, on the same day, Alex discovered his junk in the bathtub. Two milestones, same day. Life is grand.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Temper, temper

So, the bug's got a temper. I knew that. What I didn't know was that he can hold a baby grudge. I made him mad this evening, just before his dad got home. I'm not sure if it was my getting up after he fell asleep next to me on the bed, or that when he woke up upset, and I came back to comfort nurse him, I then startled him by answering Mr. Punch's "I'm Home!" with a perhaps too loud "yay!"

In any case, Alex decides he doesnt't want to nurse anymore, and is twisting toward his dad to be picked up, which he is. They play. I come in for smiles and smooches, which he's giving his dad. I get nothing: he turns his head, silently. Hmmmmph. So, I go into the kitchen to start dinner, while his dad folds laundry with the bug on the bed. I come back in to play/help. And I get more of the same: he turns away from me, stony faced (inasmuch as a baby can be stonyfaced) and gives his dad a big smile. Hmmmmmph! So, I kiss him, and smile, chuck him under the chin and go back to the kitchen. I say: maybe I need to go away for a bit--then he's be happy to see me! (It's happened). After another five minutes, Mr. Punch brings him into the kitchen saying "he's following you with his eyes; I think he wants to make up." So I kiss and try to cuddle him, he's turning away, but not as much. I offer him a strawberry, which he takes and squishes up high. I play squish it with him, and TADA: a big smile. YAY.

Food and play as the peace offering. A little bit passive agressive. Just like Mama.

He's 8 months old.

I'm cooked.