Wednesday, June 25, 2008


It's my nemesis these days. I happily floated around in a swimming pool last week, forgetting all about it and the first heat wave of the summer, and after two and a half blissful hours, as I climbed out, suddenly realized: it's not the sprogling that's the issue: it's gravity. It makes me slow, tired, and even the slightest kinds of motion on my part look like a great ship listing along.

One more week, if he's on time. Or more. Or less.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Week 38: Organ function continues to improve

Your baby weighs nearly 7 pounds. His or her brain and nervous system are working better every day. This developmental process will continue through childhood and adolescence.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Drowning in teh cute

We've been sorting through baby clothes, boppies, stuff from kiddopotamus, things that make noise, things that don't make noise. The flood of bright and pastel colours is threatening to overwhelm our house.


It feels good.

Week 37: Baby is full-term

By the end of this week, your baby will be considered full-term. As fat continues to accumulate, your baby's body will slowly become rounder.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ready, set...

According to the OB, he's in position. Head down, descended. As of Friday he's officially "full-term." Of course, I've also been told by my other doctor that he's just as likely to come two weeks late. So anytime between Friday and mid-July. Ha.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

re: Last Post

Week 36 has to have the most unfortunate title for a post (copied directly from a medical site obviously).

How dare they say such a thing about our little treasure. He, most assuredly, does not suck.

Week 36: Baby can suck

Your baby is between 16 and 19 inches long and weighs about 6 to 6 1/2 pounds. Recent fat deposits have rounded out your baby's face, and your baby's powerful sucking muscles are ready for action. To prepare for birth, your baby may descend into the head-down position.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

You know I love you ...

Yes it is true, The Beatles songs were sung to me so I will sing them to my son. I'm going through their Number One hits as well as Sergeant Pepper's. I may throw some Kinks into the mix for variety.

Perhaps some show tunes? 

Weeks 34 & 35

Week 34: Protective coating gets thicker

The pasty white coating that protects your baby's skin — called vernix — gets thicker this week. When your baby is born, you may see traces of vernix firsthand, especially under the arms, behind the ears and in the groin area. The soft, downy hair that covered your baby under the vernix for the past few months is now almost completely gone.

Week 35: Rapid growth continues

Your baby continues to pack on the pounds and store fat all over his or her body. The crowded conditions inside your uterus may make it harder for your baby to give you a punch, but you'll probably feel lots of stretches, rolls and wiggles.