Monday, December 22, 2008

Naughty or Nice?

The wee one has visited two Santas this year.

The regular old man Santa --

And the other one --

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Baby Push-ups

It looks like someone is getting ready to crawl ....
From November Madness 11/16/08 3:16 PM

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Family time

This is the start of the marathon of family gatherings, starting with Thanksgiving. This weekend, he's being baptised, so we're having a family gathering, and then of course we have his grandma's saint's day, his Tio's birthday, and the big Kahuna of all family deals: Christmas.

First: Tia Becky's lap, with Tia Sandy looking on.

Then: with his Tia Pita, tired, and overstimulated (so many new people!) but still super cute.

And finally, knocking on his Tio Sito.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Drinking Buddy

Our Lord and Master has just become interested in glasses and their contents. Luckily it was just water but pretty soon we're talking whiskey!

From November Madness 11/16/08 3:16 PM

From November Madness 11/16/08 3:16 PM

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Story without a picture

Often while the young master is feeding he will catch sight of me puttering around the place. Whenever he is in a good mood he will break off feeding, roll onto his back and then grin up at me as if to say "C'mon on, Dad, this is delicious! You should try some."

Obviously I refuse but it shows he has a generous heart even this young.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mighty Baby Hands

Our little one is getting mightier and mightier.

Right now he is trying to skip developmental stages and wants to go straight from lazing around to standing up (note to self we need to get some pictures of this) since he loves being held upright in a standing position my mum or dad. he might even like it more than flying but the ability to fly is not a standard milestone (outside of Krypton).

What is he on target for is developing manipulation skills and grab, grab, grabbing at anything he can -- hair, noses, glasses, rags, wandering hobos.

From Alexander's October Japes

Here is he ready to make a mighty lunge.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Four months old!

Still smiley. Now drooly. Maybe teethy. Definitely finger eatey.

And the shirt says "Mummy loves me"

Only because his dad's English.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

in the woods

The cuteness of chilly picnics. Also: that's a racoon hat.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Laff it up pumpkin

Guess what made him laugh for the first time ever? Me burping. He thought it was hilarious. So I kept doing it, just to make him laugh. Next thing you know I'll learn how to to the abc's while belching, just to get a laugh out of him. I'd heard motherhood changes you, but really now, burping for laughs?

Friday, October 10, 2008

A tired baby is a lot like a drunk: who knew?

They drool. They shout. They alternate between I love you and I hate you. Obviously they pee their pants. Eventually they tire themselves out and fall asleep.

Here's where they're different: babies get rocked to sleep and all is well.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Watching The Debates

Really. This isn't staged. And yes, that is a peace sign on his t-shirt--a hippie baby shower gift.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Three months old!

Ok, this is a little embarrassing; no posts for a month. In my defense it's been a house-guesty month, what with Mr. Punch's folks staying with us for the month. Not all at once, mind you, but a week here, then two weeks driving through the desert (mad dogs and Englishmen, you know) and then another week here, before going home to their new house in Liverpool to resume unpacking.

I did get around to finally writing to the wee one, the first of hopefully many monthly letters he'll read once he goes off to college. As predicted mine's all soppy, mixed in with a here's what you've been doing so far sort of updatey thing.

So far: he's holding his head up lots, has discovered his hands and tries to stuff both in his mouth at once. He's far more social than he was, not only will he smile if you smile at him, but today my brother Johnny made him cry by giving him the stink eye. It was a play stink eye; his defense was "he did it first, I didn't know it was going to make him cry." His wife is pregnant, so we got even by threatening their baby with the stink eye.

He's really so much fun to play with. He's aware of the camera, but this doens't mean he smiles for it; he's aware of the indicator light, so he'll get very serious and stare at it. You have to suprise him to catch a smile. The best thing is that he gets happy with his whole body: arms and legs kicking, the whole thing.

It really is amazing to watch him waking up more and more to the world. Lucky us.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Two Months Old!

A month ago, when Alex turned one month old, we decided that we should start writing little letters to him every month. Separately, because mine would be all corny, and his dad's would be more along the lines of "Dear Alex, By the time you read this, we might have sold you to the gypsies. The good kind that have adventures, not the bad ones who throw babies at you in Rome" (an actual quote, btw). Except of course that neither of us did, and now it's another month and we've still written nothing, and I really should dig out that super cute baby book that my sister in law made for me while I was pregnant. I should have been filling it out this whole time, but during the pregnancy the whole thing was too overwhelming and I just could not deal. Now of course, its all I think about and can't find the book.

Yesterday Alex got his first immunizations; three shots in his little legs. I nearly cried with him, and for the rest of the day I was all soppy about him. I'm *so* dead the first time he actually hurts himself, which he will very likely at some point. But I'm not thinking about it.

In the meantime, he's a super long string bean baby. Eating all the time. Me too. Poor thing has had crumbs dropped him many times. The worst was when I dropped sweet and sour sauce in his ear. Don't worry. My food is always cold.

Also, in exciting news: He's smiling and making eye contact now! And pooping makes him very happy. Very. Happy. So does being changed. And of course, eating. He's almost laughing, but for now, he really only giggles in his sleep.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Water Baby?

It's Alex versus the Pacific Ocean and right now he is not too happy about it. Hugs, kisses and little booties to warm his toes made it all better.

More pics over at
Alex versus the Pacific Ocean

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Secret Admirer Clause

Apparently FTD has one. Someone sent us a cute musical music box type Beatrix Potter keepsake (except it's not a box) via the floral delivery service. And the card wasn't signed. So, I called them to find out who sent it. Curiosity, and also so we could send a thank you. (Six weeks after the sprog's arrival and we are just remembering our manners). Apparently, they have to get the consent of the sender before they could disclose who sent it. This was 10 days ago. So, either the sender wants to remain anonymous, or FTD is yanking my chain. Funny, right?

If you sent us the cute little bunny statue, thanks--whoever you are.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It's the wild, wild west

For mum and dad's anniversary we all went to the wild west town up the mountains (dad loved it, mum was unimpressed, li'l Alex was sleepy).

Mosie over for the complete set:

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I no longer mock baby hairbrushes.

So, when we first started looking at stuff for baby (all the crazy accoutrements for grooming, bathing, etc) I made fun of baby hairbrushes, and shampoo, and the idea that babies need shampoo, lotion, etc. I figured: he's a baby. Keep the general diaper area clean yes, but really, shampoo?

And now, I realize: it's for the scalp, not the hair. If you don't wash and exfoliate the scalp, guess what? Duh. Flake city. So today, he's had two shampoos and most of the flakes are gone. Along with his hair! No, they're not related. He was losing that for the past week or so. Apparently lots of babies lose their hair soon after birth, then grow it back later. Right now the Young Master has a hairline very like his maternal grandfather--that is to say: none at the top or front, and thin along the sides and back

As for the baby hairbrush: I wish we had one so that Icould brush away the flakes from the little hair he's got. And also, to brush it in the right direction, you know, so he doesn't look like a little chicken. Poor baby. Has to settle for what I can do with a wash cloth. I spend way too much time looking at the top of his head while I feed him, and so this is what occupies my time today. I used to think about things other than baby scalp, honest.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

"I for one welcome our new baby overlord"

Today I realized that I hadn't flossed in nearly a week. Yikes, I know. I'm pretty sure that the insomnia that plagued me during the pregancy was like strength training for the first few weeks of the feeding every other hour and sometimes every hour that is life with a newborn.

Still, I can't believe how not jangly, and mostly fuzzy and happy, with only occasional crying jags I am. Can't wait til we have eye contact, and a waking, directed smile. Right now he smiles after he eats, in his sleep. So, it's related to being happy and content and comfortable. But I want one for me. I told Sandy, and she said "Right, so you're like: just smile at me and we can be friends: that whole 30 hours of labor ending with a C-section--forgotten." And I said, "Yeah. Pretty much."

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Bear o'Clock

Yes it's bear o'clock.

However little Alex seems unimpressed by the mohair Euro bear and turns his back on it.

Is it too early for bears? Or is this bear just not fabulous enough?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Power Drinks

As our sleep dwindles he seems to swell with appetite. He's getting bigger and cuter every day as he gradually develops the missing baby fat. Since he had to come see us a wee bit early he has some bulking up to do, so he loves his drink like an ad-man loves his martini lunch.

Good times. That reminds me, is it possible to lay down a case of bourbon for the little one? I shall have to go investigate. :)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Baby Bach

Yup, we are home and have our little bundle of joy.

Isn't he sweet?

Thursday, July 3, 2008

He's here!

He's five days old today and thriving. Me and him and his dad are well, and sleeping in tiny jigsaw pieces, but happy and home.
pictures to follow.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


It's my nemesis these days. I happily floated around in a swimming pool last week, forgetting all about it and the first heat wave of the summer, and after two and a half blissful hours, as I climbed out, suddenly realized: it's not the sprogling that's the issue: it's gravity. It makes me slow, tired, and even the slightest kinds of motion on my part look like a great ship listing along.

One more week, if he's on time. Or more. Or less.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Week 38: Organ function continues to improve

Your baby weighs nearly 7 pounds. His or her brain and nervous system are working better every day. This developmental process will continue through childhood and adolescence.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Drowning in teh cute

We've been sorting through baby clothes, boppies, stuff from kiddopotamus, things that make noise, things that don't make noise. The flood of bright and pastel colours is threatening to overwhelm our house.


It feels good.

Week 37: Baby is full-term

By the end of this week, your baby will be considered full-term. As fat continues to accumulate, your baby's body will slowly become rounder.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ready, set...

According to the OB, he's in position. Head down, descended. As of Friday he's officially "full-term." Of course, I've also been told by my other doctor that he's just as likely to come two weeks late. So anytime between Friday and mid-July. Ha.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

re: Last Post

Week 36 has to have the most unfortunate title for a post (copied directly from a medical site obviously).

How dare they say such a thing about our little treasure. He, most assuredly, does not suck.

Week 36: Baby can suck

Your baby is between 16 and 19 inches long and weighs about 6 to 6 1/2 pounds. Recent fat deposits have rounded out your baby's face, and your baby's powerful sucking muscles are ready for action. To prepare for birth, your baby may descend into the head-down position.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

You know I love you ...

Yes it is true, The Beatles songs were sung to me so I will sing them to my son. I'm going through their Number One hits as well as Sergeant Pepper's. I may throw some Kinks into the mix for variety.

Perhaps some show tunes? 

Weeks 34 & 35

Week 34: Protective coating gets thicker

The pasty white coating that protects your baby's skin — called vernix — gets thicker this week. When your baby is born, you may see traces of vernix firsthand, especially under the arms, behind the ears and in the groin area. The soft, downy hair that covered your baby under the vernix for the past few months is now almost completely gone.

Week 35: Rapid growth continues

Your baby continues to pack on the pounds and store fat all over his or her body. The crowded conditions inside your uterus may make it harder for your baby to give you a punch, but you'll probably feel lots of stretches, rolls and wiggles.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

35 weeks!

Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Beatles songs

I should let Mr Punch tell you all about this, but it's really cute. Ok, I'll just tell the cuteness; he can cover the backstory. He's taken to singing them (for the first time ever), why? because they are lullabies. 

hot hands

Hot hot hands and feet. Another weird little side effect. That is all. 

Monday, May 26, 2008

Really really pregnant

This past weekend, we were in San Francisco for a conference, where among other things, I ran around feeling responsible for several sessions (only sort of, I put them together, but others did all the actual work). It was exhausting and rewarding, and the big deal reading/panel session went off perfectly.  Being 8 months pregnant, however, definitely puts a damper on one's ability to run around normally (ie: out all the time, drinking,  etc) but that didn't stop me from trying to the first two days (except for the drinking part, of course). I got my first random question from a stranger about the baby, in of all places, the Virgin Megastore on Market (just south of Union Square). And I realized that I am really really eggshaped these days. Its amusing, when it's not exhausting. No, actually it's both simultaneously. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Week 33: Baby detects light

Your baby's pupils now constrict, dilate and detect light. 

Your baby continues to gain about 1/2 pound a week, and his or her lungs are more completely developed. 

Babies born this week need extra attention, but almost all will be healthy.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Week 32: Downy hair falls off

Your baby is between 15 and 17 inches long and weighs about 4 to 4 1/2 pounds. Nearly all babies born at this age survive the challenges of premature birth.

The layer of soft, downy hair that has covered your baby's skin for the past few months — known as lanugo — starts to fall off this week.

As space in your uterus becomes more cramped, your baby's kicks and other movements may seem less forceful. You may want to check on your baby's movements from time to time — especially if you think you've noticed decreased activity. If you count fewer than 10 movements in two hours, contact your health care provider.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Week 31: Reproductive development continues

Since your baby is a boy, his testicles are moving from their location near the kidneys through the groin on their way into the scrotum.


Your baby's lungs are more developed, but they're not fully mature. If your baby is born this week, he or she will probably need a ventilator to assist breathing. Complications such as bleeding in the brain are less likely than they were even a few weeks ago.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Counting down

I've just seen the count down Mr Punch put up. Crazy to see it at 62 days until the "official" due date. Of course, I'm not counting on being on time. I figure it's probably just as random as my sleep these days: some days I wake up at 6am, and then other days I can sleep until 10 or 11. It doesn't matter what time I fall asleep: anywhere between midnight and 3 am. Likewise, I figure I'll be either early or late, but probably not "right on time." Probably early, if I had to guess. 

Last night after we came back from our third childbirth class I realized that I'm *always* drained physically and emotionally after these things. It doesn't help that they go from 6:45 to 9:15, on school nights. Last night was the heavy duty learn all about medical interventions and procedures class. I kept wincing and squirming as they showed us animated versions of various procedures (I'll spare y'all the gory details). Meanwhile, Mr. Punch is giggling--I thought at my reactions (and those of all the women in the room)but later he said that it was because he knew I was thinking "Oh, no! Poor baby!" and he was thinking "that's a bloody stupid way to do x or y" 

As for updates on my end: I'm now hungry every two hours and while I'm eating a wider range of things now (I can tolerate more than just Cheerios, thank god) I still have to try extra hard to eat my five veg a day. Or more than one or two, really.  Luckily tomatoes count.  But other than that, all is exactly as it should be. I have a new OB, and I think I trust him, not like the first guy who was characterized in my mind by a)his torn lab coat and b)an apparent inability to read the file in front of him and c)complete spaciness about what prescriptions were OK or not.  We heard the sprog's strong little heartbeat on Monday, and he's exactly the right size according to the tape measure.  

I'm convinced the little imp is shifting positions a lot: I swear sometimes he's sideways, sometimes not. I change shape! They told us in class last night that you can get the kid to turn head down sometimes by shining a flashlight at your belly (near the top as his/her head's up there) and slowly moving it down to the bottom. The sprog might actually follow the light. How crazy is that? 

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Week 30: Baby packs on pounds

Your baby weighs about 3 pounds — but not for long. He or she will gain about 1/2 pound a week until week 37.

Your baby may practice breathing by moving his or her diaphragm in a repeating rhythm. If your baby gets the hiccups, you may feel slight twitches or spasms in your uterus.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Apropos of Week 29

Why yes it does. 

Liza can be toddling along quite happily and then stop and burst out giggling. It's because Eponymous Kid has just decided that he wants to try some kicking/stretching/gymnastics and just has to poke his mummy in the bladder.

Lying down we can see Liza's belly jump from the force.

Week 29: Movement is more forceful

Your baby's bones are fully developed, but they're still soft and pliable. This week, your baby begins storing iron, calcium and phosphorus.

As your baby continues to grow, his or her movements will become more frequent and vigorous. Some of your baby's jabs and punches may even take your breath away.

Week 28: Baby's eyes open

Your baby is about 15 inches long and weighs about 2 to 3 pounds.

Your baby's eyes are beginning to open and close. The color has been established, but the story's not over yet. Eye color may change within the first six months after birth — especially if your baby's eyes are blue or gray-blue at birth.

Your baby is now sleeping for about 20 to 30 minutes at a time. Fetal movement will be most obvious when you're sitting or lying down.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Future Soccer Star?

It's now part of our regular routine to feel our son's kicks. Whenever Liza is relaxed he will generally have a few minutes of kicking (sometimes more) before settling down. So we have a play date several times a day with our kid. Often it seems like he is playing peek-a-boo; Liza will call me over "he's kicking!", but when I get there nothing. As soon as I get up - WHAM! - another kick.

Some of the kicks are pretty strong so my dad is hopeful he will be a soccer star and play for England.

I'm just glad to have the chance to play with my son already. 

Weeks 26 & 27

Week 26: Eyes remain closed

Your baby weighs between 1 1/2 and 2 pounds. The eyebrows and eyelashes are well formed, and the hair on your baby's head is longer and more plentiful. Although your baby's eyes are fully developed, they may not open for another two weeks.

Week 27: Second trimester ends

This week marks the end of the second trimester. Your baby's lungs, liver and immune system are continuing to mature — and he or she has been growing like a weed. At 27 weeks, your baby's length will have tripled or even quadrupled from the 12-week mark.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Catching Up

Since the the date has been advanced it's exciting double post time.

Week 24: Sense of balance develops

By now, your baby weighs about 1 1/2 pounds. Footprints and fingerprints are forming.

Thanks to a fully developed inner ear, which controls balance, your baby may have a sense of whether he or she is upside-down or right side up in the womb. You may notice a regular sleeping and waking cycle.

With intensive medical care, babies born at 24 weeks have more than a 50 percent chance of survival. Complications are frequent and serious, however, such as bleeding in the brain and impaired vision.

Week 25: Exploration continues

Your baby's hands are now fully developed, although the nerve connections to the hands have a long way to go. Exploring the structures inside your uterus may become baby's prime entertainment.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sooner, not later

Apparently, those ultrasound images are useful for diagnostic purposes too, not just for peeking. And what did the doctor say? All is well, and we're moving up the due date by 10 days--from July 13 to July 3. So, it turns out I'm further along by almost two weeks than we thought. I'll let you all ponder the implications of that.

So, as of today, I'm at 24 weeks and 5 days.

We may well end up sharing a birthday (July 2).

Also, he's getting wigglier by the day.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Week 23: Lungs prepare for life outside the womb

Your baby's lungs are beginning to produce surfactant, the substance that allows the air sacs in the lungs to inflate — and keeps them from collapsing and sticking together when they deflate. "Practice" breathing moves amniotic fluid in and out of your baby's lungs.

Your baby will begin to look more like a newborn as the skin becomes less transparent and fat production kicks into high gear.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Felt him kick!

For the first time ever, I felt the sprog moving around this morning before I got out of bed. First some fluttery business, and then when I rolled over onto my back, two pretty solid taps against my abdomen. Kicks, punches, headbutts? I was getting a little worried, since the books seem to suggest that by week 23 you should be worried if you haven't felt anything, and this is the start of week 23 (and apparently, some people feel theirs moving around since week 19...)

Other than the occasional faint flutteriness and those two solid taps, mostly it feels like I've got a watermelon in my body, solid and sort of heavy. And getting heavier by the day. When I'm laying down, and when I turn over, I can feel it shift independently of me. Crazy.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Week 22: Taste buds develop

This week, your baby weighs in at about 1 pound.

Taste buds are starting to form on your baby's tongue, and your baby's brain and nerve endings can process the sensation of touch. Your baby may experiment by feeling his or anything else within reach.

For boys, the testes begin to descend from the abdomen this week.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


At long last, ultrasound images for your squinting pleasure.

Click on any of the images to make it bigger.

What, you may ask, are we looking at?

The first one is the cute little profile.

The second is the spine!

The last one looks like the sprog is sitting on a photocopier. That's a shot of the butt, upper thighs, and to use Johnny's phrase, his "baby junk." That's right folks, it's a boy.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Coming soon...

Ultrasound stills. Really.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Week 21: Nourishment evolves

Although the placenta provides nearly all of your baby's nourishment, your baby will begin to absorb small amounts of sugar from swallowed amniotic fluid. This week, your baby's bone marrow starts making blood cells — a job done by the liver and spleen until this point.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Week 20: The halfway point

Halfway into your pregnancy, your baby is about 6 inches long and weighs about 9 ounces — a little over half a pound. You've probably begun to feel your baby's movements.

Under the protection of the vernix, your baby's skin is thickening and developing layers. Your baby now has thin eyebrows, hair on the scalp and well-developed limbs.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Because some of you can't figure it out, I'll say it here. We want you to comment. Just hit the button that says 0 comments or however many comments after the entry, and then you can add whatever you like here. Remember, the kid's gonna eventually read it, so be funny. Or not.

Friday, February 22, 2008

The wierdness of being pregnant

Nobody ever tells you about the wierdness of showing/not quite showing, (depending on what you're wearing) of feeling pregnant some days, and then some days it all seems theoretical, even after you've heard the heartbeat, and seen the fuzzy ultrasound. Theoretical because you haven't felt any movement yet, and you're not really sure if you look actually pregnant, or just thick around the middle.

It's a lot of waiting, this first half of the pregnancy--and I know that the waiting will just become more prolonged, and pronounced as time goes on.

All I can do is wonder, and wait, and try to pretend like I'm not obsessed with my body.

The baby, the sprog, the kid-to-be still seems a very very long way away.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Week 19: Lanugo covers baby's skin

Your baby's delicate skin is now protected with a pasty white coating called vernix. Under the vernix, a fine, down-like hair called lanugo covers your baby's body.

Your baby's kidneys are already producing urine. The urine is excreted into the amniotic sac, which surrounds and protects your baby.

As your baby's hearing continues to improve, he or she may pick up your voice in conversations — although it's probably hard to hear clearly through the amniotic fluid and protective paste covering your baby's ears.

Thanks to the millions of motor neurons developing in the brain, your baby can make reflexive muscle movements. If you haven't felt movement yet, you will soon.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Week 18: Baby begins to hear

As the nerve endings from your baby's brain "hook up" to the ears, your baby may hear your heart beating, your stomach rumbling or blood moving through the umbilical cord. He or she may even be startled by loud noises. Your baby can swallow this week, too.

In the beginning ...

It's a new blog. So where did it come from?

Well, the two of us are going to be parents and we've decided to start writing about what this means, how feel, what is going on in our lives right now.

Where did it come from? Well if you're a fellow human being I think I can assume that you know where babies come from. If not, ask your mother. I can assure that it was a perfectly excellent experience and fully planned for.

So why write about it? Because this is really important. We mark our lives with rituals with specific moments and this is one of the grand transitional moments. Normally it is a private moment, a hidden one. Instead this is to be public -- we want to share the turning of our lives with everyone, family, friends, and well-wishers equally.

This is an indefinably important transitional moment for me. We have few rituals left in our culture, nothing to count the ages of life, but having a child changes everything. In the past I could think selfishly, now I no longer have that luxury.

So it's going to be a while until our baby can read this, but this week it will start be able to hear.