Last night after we came back from our third childbirth class I realized that I'm *always* drained physically and emotionally after these things. It doesn't help that they go from 6:45 to 9:15, on school nights. Last night was the heavy duty learn all about medical interventions and procedures class. I kept wincing and squirming as they showed us animated versions of various procedures (I'll spare y'all the gory details). Meanwhile, Mr. Punch is giggling--I thought at my reactions (and those of all the women in the room)but later he said that it was because he knew I was thinking "Oh, no! Poor baby!" and he was thinking "that's a bloody stupid way to do x or y"
As for updates on my end: I'm now hungry every two hours and while I'm eating a wider range of things now (I can tolerate more than just Cheerios, thank god) I still have to try extra hard to eat my five veg a day. Or more than one or two, really. Luckily tomatoes count. But other than that, all is exactly as it should be. I have a new OB, and I think I trust him, not like the first guy who was characterized in my mind by a)his torn lab coat and b)an apparent inability to read the file in front of him and c)complete spaciness about what prescriptions were OK or not. We heard the sprog's strong little heartbeat on Monday, and he's exactly the right size according to the tape measure.
I'm convinced the little imp is shifting positions a lot: I swear sometimes he's sideways, sometimes not. I change shape! They told us in class last night that you can get the kid to turn head down sometimes by shining a flashlight at your belly (near the top as his/her head's up there) and slowly moving it down to the bottom. The sprog might actually follow the light. How crazy is that?
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