Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Counting down
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Week 30: Baby packs on pounds
Your baby weighs about 3 pounds — but not for long. He or she will gain about 1/2 pound a week until week 37.
Your baby may practice breathing by moving his or her diaphragm in a repeating rhythm. If your baby gets the hiccups, you may feel slight twitches or spasms in your uterus.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Apropos of Week 29
Week 29: Movement is more forceful
Your baby's bones are fully developed, but they're still soft and pliable. This week, your baby begins storing iron, calcium and phosphorus.
As your baby continues to grow, his or her movements will become more frequent and vigorous. Some of your baby's jabs and punches may even take your breath away.
Week 28: Baby's eyes open
Your baby is about 15 inches long and weighs about 2 to 3 pounds.
Your baby's eyes are beginning to open and close. The color has been established, but the story's not over yet. Eye color may change within the first six months after birth — especially if your baby's eyes are blue or gray-blue at birth.
Your baby is now sleeping for about 20 to 30 minutes at a time. Fetal movement will be most obvious when you're sitting or lying down.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Future Soccer Star?
Weeks 26 & 27
Week 26: Eyes remain closed
Your baby weighs between 1 1/2 and 2 pounds. The eyebrows and eyelashes are well formed, and the hair on your baby's head is longer and more plentiful. Although your baby's eyes are fully developed, they may not open for another two weeks.
Week 27: Second trimester ends
This week marks the end of the second trimester. Your baby's lungs, liver and immune system are continuing to mature — and he or she has been growing like a weed. At 27 weeks, your baby's length will have tripled or even quadrupled from the 12-week mark.