Sunday, February 10, 2008

In the beginning ...

It's a new blog. So where did it come from?

Well, the two of us are going to be parents and we've decided to start writing about what this means, how feel, what is going on in our lives right now.

Where did it come from? Well if you're a fellow human being I think I can assume that you know where babies come from. If not, ask your mother. I can assure that it was a perfectly excellent experience and fully planned for.

So why write about it? Because this is really important. We mark our lives with rituals with specific moments and this is one of the grand transitional moments. Normally it is a private moment, a hidden one. Instead this is to be public -- we want to share the turning of our lives with everyone, family, friends, and well-wishers equally.

This is an indefinably important transitional moment for me. We have few rituals left in our culture, nothing to count the ages of life, but having a child changes everything. In the past I could think selfishly, now I no longer have that luxury.

So it's going to be a while until our baby can read this, but this week it will start be able to hear.

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