Wednesday, July 23, 2008

"I for one welcome our new baby overlord"

Today I realized that I hadn't flossed in nearly a week. Yikes, I know. I'm pretty sure that the insomnia that plagued me during the pregancy was like strength training for the first few weeks of the feeding every other hour and sometimes every hour that is life with a newborn.

Still, I can't believe how not jangly, and mostly fuzzy and happy, with only occasional crying jags I am. Can't wait til we have eye contact, and a waking, directed smile. Right now he smiles after he eats, in his sleep. So, it's related to being happy and content and comfortable. But I want one for me. I told Sandy, and she said "Right, so you're like: just smile at me and we can be friends: that whole 30 hours of labor ending with a C-section--forgotten." And I said, "Yeah. Pretty much."

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