Sunday, February 8, 2009

Snot, Snot, Snot.

All the time. For the past four days. Him and me both. We have a cold. I cannot describe the painintheassness of being sick with a sick baby. Correction, being sick, home alone, with a sick babyNever, never, never could I have imagined it. But this weekend, his dad did all the wrangling and I made guest appearances, to which responded with the biggest smiles ever. So, almost worth it.

It's not serious, in case you're worried. No fever. Smiling and responsive and playful when he's not tired/about to nap. Just buckets of snot and drool, and the most pissed-off response to having his nose cleaned.

He's zooming towards eight months. Still the same habits of cuteness: biting fingers, trying to crawl. Now he can sit up, unassisted for minutes. He's working on grabbing anything that is within reach and stuffing it in his mouth.

We're so cooked once he works out crawling.

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