Friday, August 21, 2009

First Tantrum

I guess this goes with the walking? Yesterday we had a quick preview of one: overtired, didn't want a bath, wanted to go right to bed. Mr. Punch is working overtime and we kept him up too late (nearly 7pm). Tonight, we made the same mistake: but this time it was real. He turned hot and red and twisty and *nothing* helped. Not distraction, not the cave-man ambassador thing, not moving back and forth between his evil parents who wouldn't let him eat dirt. It lasted about 3-4 minutes but it felt like FOREVER. Eventually I opened the freezer and stood there with him. That seemed to work. Then he ate a huge pile of rice and beans and went to sleep.

**Caveman ambassador thing is "Happiest Toddler on the Block" advice: you show the kid you understand him by mirroring his emotion back to him, and then try to distract/calm him. It worked the day before, but not today.

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